Correctional Officer Test
The Correctional Officer Exam is an important step for individuals who wish to be hired or advance to a higher level within the U.S. system of corrections. Only a small percentage- roughly 3 to 4 percent of all applicants- proceed through the entire selection process, and the exam is one of the most common ares where applicants fail. It is important that test is taken seriously, so exam candidates must ready themselves in mind, body, and spirit ahead of the testing schedule.
This practice test is divided into three (3) areas: General Knowledge; Basic Skills; and Career-Specific Aptitude on professional standards, facility operations, inmate supervision, and other concepts in corrections. All items are multiple-choice questions, with an answer key made available at the end section. It is recommended that you take the practice exam once in full, without interruption, and then repeat the test after reviewing the correct answers.
Section 1 - General Knowledge
- How much is a corrections officer's average weekly pay if he receives $38,970 annually?
a) $749
b) $947
c) $1,499
d) $3,248
- What is the present occupancy rate of a 555-bed facility that only has 333 inmates booked?
a) 33%
b) 49%
c) 55%
d) 60%
- What is the officer-to-inmate ratio of a facility with 1221 inmates and one-third as many officers?
a) 1:3
b) 1:12.21
c) 1:407
d) 1:610.5
- How many seconds will it take to get a seriously injured inmate to a medical center if the distance between the two points is 48 miles, assuming that the transport vehicle runs at a constant speed of 32mph and does not experience traffic or any delays?
a) 18,000
b) 5,400
c) 667
d) 90
- How much quarterly budget should be allocated for a facility that spends an average of $30,000 annually for each of its 611 inmates?
a) $4.58 million
b) $6.11 million
c) $9.17 million
d) $18.33 million
- During training, you are _________ to listen to the instructor carefully and follow directions to the letter.
a) suppose
b) supposed
c) supposedly
d) supposibly
- Officers ZYX and WVU _________ exercised brute force when they were ordering the two inmates to stop arguing.
a) wouldn't of
b) shouldn't have
c) couldn't be
d) didn't at
- In corrections, one of the _________ effects of delivering substandard service is endangering the community.
a) adversary
b) aversionary
c) averse
d) adverse
- Corrections officers may be given due recognition for _________ exemplary service.
a) their
b) they're
c) there
d) there's
- _________ operations involve medium- to maximum-security systems and high-level officer training.
a) Penitentiary
b) Dormitory
c) Recidivist
d) Frisking
Reading Comprehension
Test-takers are instructed to draw the answers solely from the facts and details presented in the test items.
Passage #1: Use of Physical Restraints
Federal and state laws permit the use of physical restraints on inmates, but in no case is it allowed as a mode of punishment. To be exact, such devices are only applied to inmates who exhibit behavior that can directly threaten the safety of themselves and others. Examples of physical restraints are handcuffs, leg cuffs, belly chains, safety straps, spit masks, and waist chains. When using physical restraints, policies and protocols issued by the correctional facility should be observed, and proper documentation is required.
- Physical restraints may be applied to inmates as _________ .a) a mode of punishmentb) a threat to safetyc) a means of preventing violent actiond) a reason for proper documentation
- What is not required by federal and state laws on the use of physical restraints?
a) prior approval of medical staff
b) proper documentation
c) observance of policies
d) observance of protocols
- In what situation are physical restraints permitted to be used on an inmate?
a) Handcuffs are used to avoid an outbreak of disease in the cells.
b) Waist chains are used to prevent two convicted serial rapists from escaping.
c) Tethers are used to track down violators of federal and state laws.
d) Belly chains are used to punish four corrections officers for mauling an inmate.
- Identify another situation where physical restraints are permitted to be used on an inmate.
a) Inmate 1 hid a pair of handcuffs but surrendered it later.
b) Inmate 2 threatened to sue a staff nurse for negligence.
c) Inmate 3 announced that he was going on a hunger strike.
d) Inmate 4 kicked and punched other inmates during mess.
Passage #2: Cell Extraction
A cell extraction is not an uncommon procedure in a correctional facility. Its purpose relates to the forced removal of inmates from their cells, for valid reasons like violent behavior. Cell extraction is not a simple task, and not all corrections officers are called upon to conduct it. In fact, those who undertake cell extractions undergo a high-level training, which includes the proper use of safety devices to ensure that they are not harmed while doing it. More importantly, cell-extraction elements are organized into teams that are well-coordinated, alert, and efficient.
- Corrections officers who are on the cell-extraction team _________ .
a) are team players
b) must be former inmates
c) should have achieved a level of seniority
d) can be forced to remove inmates arbitrarily
- What is true of a cell extraction?
a) It is common and simple, and any senior corrections officer is able to undertake cell extraction.
b) Its forced-removal methods must be taught well during training, and corrections officers who carry out cell extraction should be synchronized in their action.
c) It requires the court's prior approval of each cell extraction because the forced removal of inmates from their cells may be in violation of federal and/or state laws.
d) Its purpose relates to the forced removal of corrections officers who are not organized into teams.
- What is not true of a cell extraction?
a) It is a common procedure and the tasks are not simple.
b) Not all corrections officers are able to conduct it.
c) The team that conducts it needs to be organized and vigilant.
d) Its training involves psychology, particularly on addressing violent behavior.
- What topic is not relevant in cell-extraction training?
a) physical coordination
b) use of safety devices
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
Passage #3: Correctional Facility JKL's Emergency Preparedness Plan
Correctional Facility JKL has an emergency preparedness plan that enables administrators and staff to manage unfortunate, yet inevitable, events. The plan discusses procedures during emergency situations borne by natural disasters and man-made critical incidents. The set of guidelines states that if a contagious disease breaks out in a dormitory, the corrections officer in charge should inform the in-house medical staff right away. If a hostage situation takes place, any facility staff who learns about or witnesses it must immediately report the matter to the facility's emergency response team, which designates its own personnel on duty 24/7. The guidelines must be strictly followed at all instances.
- One morning, an inmate reports that his roommate is suffering from symptoms of chicken pox. Which unit must be informed first-hand?
a) 911
b) the state health department
c) either a or b
d) neither a nor b
- One evening, four inmates convicted of terrorism forcibly take a corrections officer into their shared cell. They threaten to maul the corrections officer to death if their demands are not met by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency within twelve hours. Which unit must be informed first-hand?
a) United States Marines – Commando Unit Hotline
b) Federal Bureau of Investigation – Anti-Terrorist Squad
c) Correctional Facility JKL – Emergency Response Team
d) Central Intelligence Agency – Special Operations Division on Terrorism
- What is not true of Correctional Facility JKL's emergency preparedness plan?
a) It is not as comprehensive as required by federal and state laws.
b) Its guidelines are flexible and subject to case-by-case analysis.
c) None of the instructions are within the bounds of ethics and morals.
d) The grammar and language used are either incorrect or outdated.
- What is true of Correctional Facility JKL's emergency preparedness plan?
a) It exists.
b) It defines procedures in the event of earthquakes.
c) Its hardcopy is available to everyone at Correctional Facility JKL.
d) Its copyright is in the public domain for all interested readers to see.
Section 2- Basic Skills
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
- In writing an incident report, what critical information must be present at all times?
a) place for submitting the report
b) date and time of incident
c) names of all possible suspects
d) all of the above
- Why is it necessary for corrections officers to sign incident reports?
a) to ensure authenticity and accuracy in their submissions
b) to guarantee the truthfulness of witness statements
c) to set an example of integrity in the corrections service
d) none of the above
- What two traits should Officer SQR exhibit if an angry advocate of prison reforms phoned the facility and ranted about its unethical practices, shouted expletives, and threatened to lobby the facility's permanent closure?
a) assertiveness and authority
b) benevolence and determination
c) courtesy and tact
d) honesty and courage
- What is the basic rule for corrections officers on the matter of handling journalists, who wish to conduct an ambush interview on the general state of the facility and conditions of inmates?
a) direct these journalists to facility administrators
b) ask them to present a letter of recommendation from the courts
c) respond to all questions with urgency, honesty, and diplomacy
d) request them to conduct a written interview instead, so there will be time to review the responses
- What should all corrections officers do when there is a phoned-in bomb threat in the facility?
a) round up inmates under their supervision for interrogation
b) apply for leave of absence as soon as possible
c) make immediate announcements over the PA system
d) act according to facility policy on emergency management
Clerical Skills
Evaluate inmate details consisting of booking numbers, genders, names, and dates of birth:
#1: 41238-F Zulfa, Maryam Ajeebah (1963 Aug 28)
#2: 38419-M Singh, Iqbal Aadi (1959 Dec 06)
#3: 93517-M Fong, Washington Dytiapco (1975 Jan 13)
#4: 72806-F Pratt-Amather, Cecily Ava (1948 Nov 01)
#5: 69780-M Ladsous, Guy-Pierre (1960 Mar 28)
#6: 26095-M Alessandri, Gianfranco (1974 Oct 26)
#7: 17653-F Bembole, Taime-Keicha (1985 Feb 22)
#8: 05974-M Voragyev, Segei (1994 Apr 06)
#9: 80341-F Del Valle, Genelle Chuachoco (1984 Jun 30)
#10: 54162-F Hollas, Suzanne Fiona (1991 Jul 26)
- What is the most logically sequenced among the records that are supposedly filed according to booking number?
a) 7, 8, 2, 1, 10, 5, 4, 9, 3, 6
b) 3, 10, 9, 7, 1, 2, 6, 8, 4, 5
c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
d) 8, 7, 6, 2, 1, 10, 5, 4, 9, 3
- What is the correct sequence of records filed alphabetically, according to surname?
a) 6, 7, 9, 3, 10, 5, 4, 2, 8, 1
b) 1, 8, 2, 4, 5, 10, 3, 9, 6, 7
c) 7, 9, 10, 1, 6, 3, 5, 4, 8, 2
d) 4, 6, 7, 9, 3, 10, 5, 2, 1, 8
- What is the correct sequence of records filed according to gender, females first, then alphabetically?
a) 6, 3, 5, 2, 8, 7, 9, 10, 4, 1
b) 7, 9, 10, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5, 2, 8
c) 8, 2, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 9, 10, 7
d) 1, 4, 10, 9, 7, 6, 8, 5, 2, 3
- What is the first name of the youngest among all ten inmates?
a) Suzanne
b) Genelle
c) Sergei
d) Iqbal
Situational Reasoning Skills
Make a logical story by arranging the sentences in the following situations:
Situation #1: Taking the Certified Corrections Officer Exam
A: The proctor does not admit a test-taker who insists on smoking inside the room.
B An announcement on the upcoming CCO exam appears in the newspaper.
C: Three unsuccessful test-takers report leakage.
D: Administrators prove leakage and nullify the exam.
E: Four hundred aspirants submit the initial requirements and await test permits.
a) D, B, C, A, E
b) B, E, A, C, D
c) E, A, C, B, D
d) A, E, D, C, B
Situation #2: Swordtail County's Pringlewater Facility
A: Aspiring corrections officers are invited to take a tour of Pringlewater's facilities.
B: Swordtail Times, a local paper, features yesterday's inauguration of Pringlewater.
C: Inmate 444-F is the 75th convicted felon booked in Pringlewater.
D: Devonshire Lee Feldman resigns his post as Pringlewater's director.
E: Pringlewater, a minimum-security correctional facility, will open in Swordtail County.
a) E, B, A, D, C
b) D, E, C, A, B
c) A, B, E, D, C
d) B, C, E, D, A
Situation #3: Gastrointestinal Anthrax at Romanella Correctional Institute
A: Officer KJI learns that Inmate 84 has been suffering from nausea and severe abdominal pain since last night.
B: The evening news announces a possible anthrax outbreak at the Romanella Correctional Institute.
C: Health officials prove that the undercooked meat of an infected animal has been the cause of gastrointestinal anthrax at Romanella.
D: Romanella Correctional Institute ceases to operate and closes down.
E: Inmate 84 is transported to an accredited hospital as facility doctors suspect him to be infected with the anthrax virus.
a) A, D, C, E, B
b) A, B, C, D, E
c) A, E, B, C, D
d) A, C, E, B, D
Observational Skills
Study the images in this section, one at a time. Take in as many details as you can memorize within five minutes. After the alloted time, turn to the questionnaire and answer all items. Answers must be inferred from the images. DO NOT GO BACK TO THE IMAGES.
Image #1
This image is a photo of the painting, Song of Roland, which is exhibited at the State Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

- At what time of day does the scene take place?
a) predawn
b) morning
c) twilight
d) midnight
- How many men are depicted as slaying dragons?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
- What activity best describes the scene?
a) tree-planting ceremony
b) presentation of the new king
c) preparation for battle
d) market day exclusively for men
- What type of building is shown in the foreground?
a) castle
b) barn
c) chapel
d) parliamentary
- What is most likely to occur after the gathering of these people in the painting?
a) a garden wedding
b) the ball to celebrate unity
c) the royal baby's baptism
d) an armed confrontation
- Where is the scene set?
a) by a flowing river
b) under overcast skies
c) on a hill complex
d) in a virgin forest
Image #2
This photo, released by the US Department of Defense, shows part of the search-and-recovery operations conducted by American service members and volunteer civilians when Korean Air flight 801 crashed in Guam on August 6, 1997.

- Which phrase best describes the weather conditions during the operation?
a) windy and wet
b) cloudy but dry
c) sunny and dry
d) stormy and windy
- How many individuals are involved in the operation?
a) 4 males and 1 female
b) 2 females and 9 males
c) half a dozen at most
d) at least a dozen
- What object is being extracted from the wreckage?
a) a body part
b) luggage
c) the black box
d) a caged animal
- What colors can be found in the searchers' headgear?
a) white, orange, magenta, brown
b) red, yellow, blue, green
c) purple, gray, silver, platinum
d) none of the above
- Around what time of day does the scene take place?
a) 4:30 AM
b) 11:45 AM
c) 7:15 PM
d) 11:00 PM
- Where does the scene take place?
a) forested mountain
b) airport complex
c) military installation
d) sand dunes
Image #3
This photo, taken by the US Air Force, shows an FBI SWAT team conducting a hijacking exercise at Keesler Air Force Base.

- Which phrase best describes the markings on the fire truck?
a) unit seal
b) body number
c) team name
d) all of the above
- What is not part of an individual's outfit and equipment?
a) pair of goggles
b) handheld radio
c) knee pad
d) GPS device
- What should the team members watch out for?
a) chain on the ground
b) sniper at the window
c) moving fire truck
d) unexploded ordnance
- What is the rearmost element doing?
a) radioing for reinforcement
b) looking over his shoulder
c) taking a stride forward
d) none of the above
- What is the lead element doing?
a) shouting orders
b) ducking for cover
c) aiming his gun
d) detonating a bomb
- Around what time of day does the scene take place?
a) 1:30 AM
b) 2:45 AM
c) 3:15 PM
d) 12:00 AM
Section 3- Career Specific Aptitude
- In what facilities are persons convicted of terrorism commonly incarcerated?
a) death row of the state where the felons have committed acts of terror
b) in a federal prison, but the security level is determined on a case-by-case basis
c) either a or b
d) neither a nor b
- Which phrase is not true of jails?
a) strictly for people who have been convicted of a felony
b) can accommodate more than the prescribed number of people
c) may or may not be for females
d) may or may not be for juveniles
- Which phrase is not true of prisons?
a) technically for convicted felons only
b) can have a death row, depending on approved layout and organization
c) should not be for female inmates, regardless of age or physical strength
d) applicable to both federal and state incarceration facilities
- What does not form part of a corrections officer's routine duties?
a) mail inspection
b) inmate count
c) report writing
d) cell extraction
- What type of search does a corrections officer conduct on an inmate's visitor, who has a suspicious appearance?
a) clothed-body search
b) cease-and-desist search
c) either a or b
d) neither a nor b
- What disciplinary sanction for erring inmates is not allowed?
a) removal from certain activities
b) application of restraining devices
c) segregation from inmate population
d) withholding of some or all privileges
- What inmate rights should corrections officers respect and uphold at all times?
a) right to remain silent and right to be heard
b) right to equal protection and right to fair treatment
c) right to due process and right to privacy
d) all of the above
- What is the proper response for facility administrators in the event that an inmate suffers from cardiac arrest, and the in-house medical team recommends that he be taken to the nearest hospital?
a) Call the nearest medical hospital to have its staff and ambulance pick up the stricken inmate.
b) Give an ultimatum to the in-house medical team in reviving the stricken inmate.
c) Designate corrections officers who will escort the striken inmate to the hospital.
d) None of the above.
- Officer Penrose-Smith, a male facility staff at a women's correctional institution, found himself infatuated with Inmate Hannibal. He then confided in Officer Grundy, a male colleague, who reported the matter to the facility director later tha day. A controversial investigation ensued, and the outcome would involve the forced resignation of the facility director due to wrongfully terminating Officer Penrose-Smith. What might have happened in the process?
a) The facility director immediately sanctioned Officer Penrose-Smith for sexually abusing Inmate Hannibal.
b) Officer Grundy informed the girlfriend of Officer Penrose-Smith, and the two eloped.
c) Officer Penrose-Smith actually resigned so he could ask Inmate Hannibal's hand in marriage.
d) Inmate Hannibal accused the facility director of sexually abusing Officer Penrose-Smith.
Practice Test Answer Key
General Knowledge
- How much is a corrections officer's average weekly pay if he receives $38,970 annually?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. The annual pay is divided into 52 weeks that make up a year.
- What is the present occupancy rate of a 555-bed facility that only has 333 inmates booked?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. The number of present inmate booked is divided by the maximum bed count of 555.
- What is the officer-to-inmate ratio of a facility with 1221 inmates and one-third as many officers?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. The inmate population is divided by three.
- How many seconds will it take to get a seriously injured inmate to a medical center if the distance between the two points is 48 miles, assuming that the transport vehicle runs at a constant speed of 32mph and does not experience traffic or any delays?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. Divide the distance by constant speed to get 1.5 hours. Divide the answer by 60 (minutes in an hour), then by 60 (seconds in a minute). Remember that the question is seeking an answer expressed in seconds.
- How much quarterly budget should be allocated for a facility that spends an average of $30,000 annually for each of its 611 inmates?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Multiply the annual per-head allocation by the number of inmates to get $18,330,000. Divide the answer by 4 to get the quarterly budget.
- During training, you are _________ to listen to the instructor carefully and follow directions to the letter.
CORRECT ANSWER: B. The word is not used as a verb but as a participle. Grammar rules state the correct form as, “verb form of to be + past participle,” whether the verb is in the present tense or in the past tense. Examples in this regard include: are required to, is used to, are driven to, and is headed for.
- Officers ZYX and WVU _________ exercised brute force when they were ordering the two inmates to stop arguing.
CORRECT ANSWER: B. Except for Choice C, which is grammatically correct but does not fit the sentence, the two other answers are grammatically wrong.
- In corrections, one of the _________ effects of delivering substandard service is endangering the community.
CORRECT ANSWER: D. Although Choices A and C are words found in the dictionary, these do not describe the effects of delivering substandard service. Meanwhile, B is not a word.
- Corrections officers may be given due recognition for _________ exemplary service.
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Choices B and C should not be confused with the possessive noun, their, a homonym. Choice D is a contraction of words in the clause, there is.
- _________ operations involve medium- to maximum-security systems and high-level officer training.
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Choices B, C, and D do not fit the context.
Reading Comprehension- Passage #1
- Physical restraints may be applied to inmates as _________ .
CORRECT ANSWER: C. Choices B and C are outright ridiculous. Meanwhile, the passage implies that Choice A is an unlawful reason to use physical restraints.
- What is not required by federal and state laws on the use of physical restraints?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Choices B, C, and D are mentioned in the passage as requirements on the use of physical restraints.
- In what situation are physical restraints permitted to be used on an inmate?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. Choices A, B, and C are obvious distracting questions.
- Identify another situation where physical restraints are permitted to be used on an inmate.
CORRECT ANSWER: D. Choices A and B do not pose a threat to the safety of others and are, therefore, not the correct answer. And while Choice C implies an inmate's threat to the safety and wellbeing of oneself, it certainly does not necessitate the use of any type of physical restraint to address the issue.
Reading Comprehension- Passage #2
- Corrections officers who are on the cell-extraction team _________ .
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Officers must be good team players.
- What is true of a cell extraction?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. Choices A and C are obvious distracters. And while Choice C may be applicable in reality, the situation it describes does not appear (or is not implied) in the passage.
- What is not true of a cell extraction?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. The passage supports Choices A, B, and C. Choice D may be true of a cell extraction and applicable in reality, but nowhere in the passage is it mentioned or implied.
- What topic is not relevant in cell-extraction training?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. Both being relevant topics in cell-extraction training, Choices A and B validate Choice C. This leaves Choice D as the “not relevant” topic in cell-extraction training.
Reading Comprehension- Passage #3
- One morning, an inmate reports that his roommate is suffering from symptoms of chicken pox. Which unit must be informed first-hand?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. In the passage, Correctional Facility JKL's policy states that the corrections officer assigned to supervise inmates must inform the in-house medical staff right away.
- One evening, four inmates convicted of terrorism forcibly take a corrections officer into their shared cell. They threaten to maul the corrections officer to death if their demands are not met by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency within twelve hours. Which unit must be informed first-hand?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. In the passage, Correctional Facility JKL's policy states that any facility staff who learns about or witnesses a hostage situation must immediately report the matter to the facility's emergency response team.
- What is not true of Correctional Facility JKL's emergency preparedness plan?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. The passage does not support Choices A, C, and D.
- What is true of Correctional Facility JKL's emergency preparedness plan?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Whether or not Choices B, C, and D are true, the passage only verifies the statement in Choice A.
Basic Skills
Communication and Interpersonal
- In writing an incident report, what critical information must be present at all times?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. Choices A and C are not required to be indicated at all times, which invalidates Choice D.
- Why is it necessary for corrections officers to sign incident reports?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. The actions described in Choices B and C are not applicable and, therefore, invalidates Choice D.
- What two traits should Officer SQR exhibit if an angry advocate of prison reforms phoned the facility and ranted about its unethical practices, shouted invectives, and threatened to lobby the facility's permanent closure?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. As required of facility staff, Officer SQR should be courteous and tactful in handling situations like the one described in the test item. Correspondingly, Officer SQR must be aware of the protocol, which is usually to turn the caller over (with courtesy and tact) to personnel who are authorized to give a proper and full response. Although the traits in Choices A, B, and D are ideal of corrections officers, these are not the most appropriate for this particular situation.
- What is the basic rule for corrections officers on the matter of handling journalists, who wish to conduct an ambush interview on the general state of the facility and conditions of inmates?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Choices B, C, and D may be practised in some facilities, but is not a basic rule. More often than not, correctional facilities appoint and train personnel to handle the media, speak on behalf of the institution, and/or issue official statements.
- What should all corrections officers do when there is a phoned-in bomb threat in the facility?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. Choice B is ridiculous, while Choices A and C are not recommended practices to manage phoned-in bomb threats, even outside of the corrections system.
- What is the most logically sequenced among the records that are supposedly filed according to booking number?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. Although the sequence starts with “0”, Choice D is the most logically sequenced in the list. Choice A is a distracter that tends to confuse the test-taker: The sequence starts with “1”, but is not properly arranged after that.
- What is the correct sequence of records filed alphabetically, according to surname?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Choice A denotes the sequence that starts with an inmate whose surnmae begins with “A”, and ends with an inmate whose surname begins with “Z”.
- What is the correct sequence of records filed according to gender, females first, then alphabetically?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. Choice B denotes the sequence that starts with a female inmate whose surname begins with “B”, and ends with a male inmate whose surname begins with “V”.
- What is the first name of the youngest among all ten inmates?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. The year of birth of Sergei Voragyev indicates that he is the youngest among the ten listed inmates.
Situational Reasoning
- Situation #1: Taking the Certified Corrections Officer Exam
CORRECT ANSWER: B. The logical story begins with the scene where an announcement on the upcoming CCO exam papers appears in the newspaper.
- Situation #2: Swordtail County's Pringlewater Facility
CORRECT ANSWER: E. The logical story begins with the scene where Swordtail County's Pringlewater facility is being planned.
- Situation #3: Gastrointestinal anthrax at Romanella Correctional Institute
CORRECT ANSWER: C. The logical story, which begins with Officer KJI finding out that Inmate 84 is sick, is followed by Inmate 84 being transported to an accredited hospital after the in-house medical team has attended to him.
Observational- Image #1
- At what time of day does the scene take place?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. Choices A, C, and D all denote darkness, which the scene does not.
- How many men are depicted as slaying dragons?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. There are no dragons present in the picture.
- What activity best describes the scene?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. Most of the men are mounted in horses, gathered in a military-like formation, and wield arms.
- What type of building is shown in the foreground?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. The building is shown with a priest and an acolyte at the altar, with the clergyman saying Mass.
- What is most likely to occur after the gathering of these people in the painting?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. There are no objects pointing to Choices A, B, and C. And since the armed cavalrymen are gathered in a military-like formation, it is likely for an armed confrontation to follow.
- Where is the scene set?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. There are no bodies of water present, which invalidates Choice A. The sky is blue with occasional gray clouds, but these do not create a setting with “overcast skies,” and the description invalidates Choice B. And while there are trees, there is more barren space on the rolling terrain, and this invalidates Choice D.
Observational- Image #2
- Which phrase best describes the weather conditions during the operation?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. There is no sign of wind, overcast skies, and heavy rains that characterize Choices A, B, and D.
- How many individuals are involved in the operation?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. There is no indication of females in the resuce party, which invalidates Choices A and B. Meanwhile, Choice C limits the number to 6, although the team has more members than that.
- What object is being extracted from the wreckage?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Although partly covered, the object being extracted is more likely a human leg than a luggage, black box or flight recorder, or a caged animal.
- What colors can be found in the searchers' headgear?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. None of the colors mentioned in Choices A and C appear in the searchers' headgear. Because Choice B is a logical answer, Choice D is not valid.
- Around what time of day does the scene take place?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. This is only the time among the choices when daylight can shine as brightly in a tropical-like setting.
- Where does the scene take place?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. The background gives the impression that the scene occurs on elevated terrain and moderate forest cover.
Observational- Image #3
- Which phrase best describes the markings on the fire truck?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. The number “6”, painted in white, appears to be the body number of the vehicle.
- What is not part of an individual's outfit and equipment?CORRECT ANSWER: D. It is not shown in the picture whether or not any of the team members carry a GPS device.
- What should the team members watch out for?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Apart from the apparent chain on the ground, there are no signs of a sniper lurking in the surrounding buildings or ordnance waiting to be detonated. The fire truck appears to be parked.
- What is the lead element doing?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. The lead element is holding a short firearm and pointing it toward an object or an anticipated target in front of him.
- Around what time of day does the scene take place?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. This is only the time among the choices when it is possible for daylight to shine as brightly.
Career Specific Aptitude
- 1. In what facilities are persons convicted of terrorism commonly incarcerated?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. Terrorism is a federal offense, and persons convicted of carrying out acts of terror are commonly incarcerated in federal prisons. Some, but not all, convicted terrorists are sent to death row.
- Which phrase is not true of jails?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. The word, strictly, limits the choice. This makes the phrase not true of jails because jails are not necessarily for people who have been convicted of a felony. Some jailed persons are awaiting trial, which can prove them innocent and free them in the end.
- Which phrase is not true of prisons?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. It is not true that prisons are designed exclusively for men. Women's correctional institutes are prisons for women.
- What does not form part of a corrections officer's routine duties?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. Cell extraction is a specialization and requires more than basic training.
- What type of search does a corrections officer conduct on an inmate's visitor, who has a suspicious appearance?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Clothed-body searches are applied to inmates and outsiders who present a suspicious appearance, including the way their clothes are worn. There are cases when corrections officers suspect that bodily bulges and protrusions are not due to physiological abnormalities. Rather, these could be bags of drugs, contraband, or other objects that are not permitted in the facility.
- What disciplinary sanction for erring inmates is not allowed?
CORRECT ANSWER: B. The use of physical restraints as a mode of punishment is never allowed in correctional facilities.
- What inmate rights should corrections officers respect and uphold at all times?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. Inmates are entitled to the rights mentioned in Choices A, B, and C.
- What is the proper response for facility administrators in the event that an inmate suffers from cardiac arrest, and the in-house medical team recommends that he be taken to the nearest hospital?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. Despite the vulnerable conditions of the stricken inmate, facility administrators must designate knowledgeable and well-equipped escorts to competent hospitals or other approved destinations outside of the facility.
- Officer Penrose-Smith, a male facility staff at a women's correctional institution, found himself infatuated with Inmate Hannibal. He then confided in Officer Grundy, a male colleague, who reported the matter to the facility director later tha day. A controversial investigation ensued, and the outcome would involve the forced resignation of the facility director due to wrongfully terminating Officer Penrose-Smith. What might have happened in the process?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. This is the most legally acceptable situation among the choices. The phrases forced resignation and wrongfully terminating indicates that there are grounds to sanction the facility director, and reasons to accuse him of unceremoniously and illegally dismissing Officer Penrose-Smith. Like inmates, corrections officers and other facility staff are entitled to due process.
Tips and Important Reminders
- AVOID DISTRACTER QUESTIONS- Learn how to identify choices that are solely meant to confuse test-takers. Some of these are obviously ridiculous choices, while others may appear to be the correct answer.
- REFRAIN FROM CARELESSNESS- Do not fail the most important exam of your career just because! Many test-takers have failed because they do not read items carefully, or haphazardly skip test items.
- PERFORM DEDUCTION- If you are not 100% sure of the answer, eliminate the distracters until you arrive at the most logical answer.
- DO WILD-GUESSING- In hopeless situations, there is nothing better than giving an answer: any answer. In an item with four choices, doing so will give your a 25% chance of earning a point. Otherwise, you get nothing for leaving it blank.
- REVIEW- Whenever there is time, check your answers. Start with the items that you have found challenging. Also remember to check if your answer corresponds to the question.
- READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY- Always read the all instructions, including the fine print (if any).
- FOLLOW DIRECTIONS TO THE LETTER- Inquire with the test administrators when (or if) there is an area that needs to be clarified.
Important Reminders
- Feel fresh and awakened on exam day. Take a shower before leaving for the testing site.
- Check if your attire and personal effects are permitted in the testing site.
- Be at the testing site at least an hour early.
- Protect your answer sheet from stray eyes.
- Never let your eyes wander around the room. Spare yourself the trouble of being accused of cheating and being disqualified from the exam.
- Mark your answers only in the prescribed manner. If the directions call for shading the blank, do so clearly.